Restaurant, Aragacotn Province, Aragats village


28 kW


Aragacotn Province, Aragats village

Solar modules

AE SOLAR 390 W, monocrystalline 72 pcs, Germany


SMA STP 25000TL-30 , Germany

Annual electricity production

42000 kWh

Yerevan, Tsarav Aghbyur str. 2.76 kW
Yerevan, Tsarav Aghbyur str.
15 Nov 2016
2.76 kW
Crystallite diamond factory, Kotayk marz, c. New Hach 172.7 kW
Crystallite diamond factory, Kotayk marz, c. New Hach
Պատասխանատու և կայուն բիզնեսի լավագույն օրինակներից է ադամանդի վերամշակման գործարանը։
172.7 kW
Arga Commercial and industrial equipment factory in Aramus 54,54 kWt
Arga Commercial and industrial equipment factory in Aramus
"Ohm Energy" solar plant at "ARGA" industrial equipment factory (Aramus village)
54,54 kWt
Voskanyan Group 115.5 kW
Voskanyan Group
"Voskanyan Group" LLC, producer of cans, will use the inexhaustible energy of the sun from now on, saving 𝟖,𝟖𝟑𝟓,𝟎𝟎𝟎 AMD
115.5 kW